Sunday, August 16, 2009



The very first pair of organs that attracts a man is a woman’s lips. Lips are beautiful by nature and they present the face of the woman more beautiful. You will agree that you wish to see the lips only when you are closer by intimacy to the woman. You can have a glimpse of the lips of a woman, but cannot go closer if she is a stranger. You can get pleasure from seeing the artistry of the lips.

They are taken enough care in keeping clean and beautiful with moisturizers and creams. They are beautified and kept shining by lipstick moist color applications. The beautiful pair of lips gets engaged frequently to express love and affection. They are engaged emotionally with love and entangle in sensual actions while pairing with the partner. Lips seem to be a simple apparatus to express love but go long way in initiating great love on the bedtime.

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